Results of unintended pregnancies, annual estimates


1. Brown, Kristi Burton. Why Do More People Choose Abortion Over Adoption? 17 May 2012. 10 February 2015 < >.
2. The Donaldson Adoption Institute. The Adoption Institute. 2014. 10 February 2014 < >.
3. Adoption USA: A Chartbook Based on the 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents.
ii On a related note, Planned Parenthood is a disproportionate contributor to the abortion/adoption ratio. We know that Planned Parenthood aborts 391x for every adoption referral. We also know that Planned Parenthood accounts for 25%-30% of all U.S. abortions. Without Planned Parenthood, the nationwide abortion/adoption ratio would fall at least 30% to at most 8.1x, from 11.7x.
4. Andrusko, Dave. RAISING CONSCIOUSNESS ABOUT ADOPTION . 2001. 10 February 2015 <>.
5. Bitler, Marianne and Madeline Zavodny. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. January 2002. 10 February 2015 <>.
6. Arons, Jessica. The Adoption Option. 18 October 2010. 10 February 2015 <>.
7. Chandra, A., Abma, J., Maza, P., and Bachrach, C. (1999) Adoption, Adoption Seeking, and Relinquishment for Adoption in the United States. Advance Data 306.
8. Marchick, Rose. Options for Pregnant Teens. 17 March 2011. 10 February 2015 <>.
9. AdoptED. AdoptED-Education. 10 February 2015 <>.
10. Center for Disease Control. Infertility. 6 February 2015. 15 Febraury 2015 <>.
11. American Adoptions. Adoption Statistics. 2007. 10 February 2015 <>.
12. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Adoption Satisfaction. 2015. 10 February 2015 <>.
13. Statistic Brain. Adoption Statistics. 19 April 2013. 10 February 2015 <>.
14. Planned Parenthood. Annual Report 2012-2013. 10 February 2015 <>.
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